Growing your donations

This webinar outlines how you can customise the payment process to achieve your fundraising goals. Adjust the form so it meets the style and parameters of your cause, whilst also ensuring your donor has a positive experience.

What you'll learn

This webinar will outline more than 10 areas where Basic and Pro plan users can customise the payment form:
  • With a live demo, so you can easily watch and learn how to do this yourself
  • Including commentary from the GiveNow team who have extensive fundraising expertise
  • Follow up HealthCheck if you have questions specific to your needs!
Sign up now for this free webinar!

Your Presenter

Cathy Truong
Executive Director
Cathy has worked at GiveNow for more than six years.
  • Cathy Truong
    Executive Director
    Cathy has worked at GiveNow for more than six years.