Navigating Patent Process

About this webinar

Are you an inventor with a groundbreaking idea but unsure how to protect it? Join us for an exclusive webinar, "How to Patent Your Invention," where we'll guide you through the complexities of the patenting process and help you secure your intellectual property rights.

What you'll learn

Here are the top three benefits of attending this can't-miss event:
  • How Patents Increase Valuation: Patents are a critical component of a company's intellectual property (IP) portfolio and can significantly increase a company's valuation. This is because patents represent a legal monopoly over the patented technology, product, or process, allowing the patent holder to exclude others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented invention without permission. This exclusivity can lead to higher profit margins, a competitive advantage in the market, and the potential for licensing revenues. According to data from Ocean Tomo, intangible assets, including patents, accounted for 90% of the S&P 500 index’s total assets in 2020, highlighting the significant value that companies place on IP. Companies that go public with patents can often do so at a much higher valuation, sometimes five times the rate of those without patents. This is because patents are seen as a tangible proof of innovation and potential for future earnings.
  • How Patents Protect Your GTM Work: Patents play a crucial role in protecting your go-to-market strategy by ensuring that the time, effort, and resources invested in developing a new product or technology are not undermined by competitors. By securing a patent, you gain the exclusive right to commercialize your invention, which can deter competitors from entering the market with similar products or technologies. This legal protection can be a significant advantage, especially in industries where innovation is rapid and the risk of imitation is high. Patents can also enhance your negotiating position when seeking partnerships or funding, as they demonstrate a commitment to protecting your IP and securing your market position.
  • Pitfalls to Avoid: While patents offer significant benefits, there are common pitfalls that inventors and companies should be aware of to maximize the value of their patents and how to pick your patent firm.
Don't miss this chance to turn your ideas into protected innovations. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards securing the future of your invention!

Your Presenter

Bao Tran
Patent Attorney
Patent Attorney Bao Tran has over twenty-five years of experience in the intellectual property field and has extensive experience in counseling and management of intellectual property portfolios, patent and trademark preparation and prosecution. Since 1993, he has patented a wide variety of technologies including AI, blockchain, 5G, medical devices, microbial tech, legal tech, semiconductors, automotive, business methods, computer hardware, electronics, internet applications, materials, electric vehicles, nanotechnology, and software. He invented the on-line workflow for patent filing and prosecution which we use at PatentPC to help our clients obtain high-quality patents. He has perspectives as both in-house and outside counsel to a variety of companies ranging from start-ups to public companies in intellectual property licensing and monetization, and enforcement.
  • Bao Tran
    Patent Attorney
    Patent Attorney Bao Tran has over twenty-five years of experience in the intellectual property field and has extensive experience in counseling and management of intellectual property portfolios, patent and trademark preparation and prosecution. Since 1993, he has patented a wide variety of technologies including AI, blockchain, 5G, medical devices, microbial tech, legal tech, semiconductors, automotive, business methods, computer hardware, electronics, internet applications, materials, electric vehicles, nanotechnology, and software. He invented the on-line workflow for patent filing and prosecution which we use at PatentPC to help our clients obtain high-quality patents. He has perspectives as both in-house and outside counsel to a variety of companies ranging from start-ups to public companies in intellectual property licensing and monetization, and enforcement.