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Using Interactive Self-Service Demos to Deliver a Buying Experience Consumers Want

An eWebinar Case Study (25 minutes)

In this eWebinar case study, Nectar CEO Trevor Larson joins our Cofounder, Melissa Kwan, for a deep dive into how having an automated, self-service, and interactive demo changed his SaaS business for good.

During their conversation, Trevor shares:
  • Why offering a great buying journey to customers means allowing them to self educate
  • How using eWebinar to offer self-service demos resulted in higher quality, bottom-of-the-funnel leads
  • The amazing results eWebinar has had on their business in just a few months
Don't have eWebinar yet and curious to give it a try? Sign up for our free trial now!
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87% of buyers want to self-serve part or all of their buying journey. 57% of buyers already make purchase decisions without ever talking with a vendor representative.
B2B Buying Disconnect, TrustRadius

Your Presenters

Melissa Kwan
Cofounder & CEO
I was drowning for years in repetitive sales demos, onboarding, and training webinars while building my previous tech company.
After that company was acquired, I decided to finally solve the pain of doing the same webinar over and over.
eWebinar is the product I always wish I had.
Our mission at eWebinar is to give people back their time, and I'm excited for you to give our product a try so you can experience that freedom for yourself.
Trevor Larson
Cofounder and CEO
Trevor Larson is the Cofounder and CEO of Nectar — a digital platform for recognition and reward. Nectar was created to help businesses bring unsung workplace heroes to light through more frequent, timely and meaningful recognition at work. The Nectar team discovered eWebinar by chance — and have been singing its praises since.
  • Profile
    Melissa Kwan
    Cofounder & CEO
    I was drowning for years in repetitive sales demos, onboarding, and training webinars while building my previous tech company.
    After that company was acquired, I decided to finally solve the pain of doing the same webinar over and over.
    eWebinar is the product I always wish I had.
    Our mission at eWebinar is to give people back their time, and I'm excited for you to give our product a try so you can experience that freedom for yourself.
  • Profile
    Trevor Larson
    Cofounder and CEO
    Trevor Larson is the Cofounder and CEO of Nectar — a digital platform for recognition and reward. Nectar was created to help businesses bring unsung workplace heroes to light through more frequent, timely and meaningful recognition at work. The Nectar team discovered eWebinar by chance — and have been singing its praises since.
Testimonial profile image
Our prospective customers really appreciate the opportunity to take themselves further through the journey and self educate.
Trevor Larson, Nectar Cofounder and CEO