Interview-Expert Career Moonshot Webinar

About this webinar

Our approach to interviewing is different. Instead of sitting across the table in a job interview feeling like you are playing defense, our strategy puts you in the driver seat! We do this by reduces the list of possible interview questions from thousands down to just 14. You now have the ability to pre-plan your stories to expertly answers these specific questions which gives you the ability to land any job in which you interview!

What you'll learn

In this webinar you will learn about our highly strategic approach to job interviewing.
  • What employers are looking for in an employee.
  • The only 14 interview topics you need to know.
  • How to build your answers to give the exact information the hiring managers are looking for.
Sign up now to learn about our strategy that will get you the best job you interview for every time, Moonshot-Ing your career!

Todd Luttenegger CPA, MBA

Todd Luttenegger
Argentum Corportation
Entrepreneur for over 25 years, Vanderbilt MBA, CPA. I came up with my EasyACE Interviewing System to help people preform at their best in job interviews opening countless opportunities for my students!
  • Todd Luttenegger
    Argentum Corportation
    Entrepreneur for over 25 years, Vanderbilt MBA, CPA. I came up with my EasyACE Interviewing System to help people preform at their best in job interviews opening countless opportunities for my students!